The spiritual Life is akin to school.

At every phase of the learning process, you are tested in order to graduate to the next level. Contrary to traditional schooling where you write an exam on paper that only the teacher will read, in real Life, the true mark of successfully mastering a subject is reflected in your capacity to serve others with the living knowledge you have acquired.

After spending the first 21 years of my life lost in the wildness of this world, I was taken under the wings of a competent Master, who showed me a Path. As I embarked on this path, I was completely broken and confused. After 15 years of healing, here I am, once again, standing on my own two feet, clear and aligned, strong and confident, transformed, and ready to serve, with the internal realization required to be a true Doctor in our modern times.

This book is essentially my “thesis” written in order to graduate from one phase of my Life to another. It is a super synthesis of everything I have learned over the past 15 years. It is my heart’s offering to all of my fellow travellers, at different stages along the Path, seeking for insight and clarity, from someone just like them: a human being.

It is my sincere hope that this book will be of use to you, in one way or another, and that it will inspire you to go deeper within, and find the answers to your questions. True wholeness and peace is possible to achieve in this Life, even if the world outside seems to be completely upside down. There is no need to compromise any aspect of yourself. You are perfect as you are. All that is required is to know yourself, in the deepest depth of your being, and surrender to the one Most High.

With love and respect,

December 2015 – From the First Edition